White Girls Kiss Black Guys ‘For the First Time’

White Girls Kiss Black Guys 'For the First Time'

okay what’s up guys this is Teddy my
name is Dana
my name is slink Johnson I’ll be kissed
on a white girl I’ll be kissing the
European snow princess I’m going to keep
the black guy for the first time I’ve
never just a black guy before and it’s
not cuz I don’t want to I’ve thought
about it a lot I’m originally from
Connecticut it’s just not allowed black
guys have really big lips and one time I
kissed this Filipino guy was huge lips
and he like slobbered all over my face I
just don’t know if I want to go there my
attraction to white lips I want to get
past it and I want to kiss a black guy
you know everyone says black guys have
like humongous dicks I think black guys
are intimidated by me because I got that
an angular slug this you can be purple
if you got that ass and you acting right
so hopefully it is hard it’ll be great
and who knows maybe oguns number and
maybe I’ll get to see his dick oh yeah
I’m really good no big lips so this is a
good test you fart while you’re kissing
I will marry it it’s customary in my
culture that we grab like a handful of
ass so if you feel my middle finger and
your ass crack don’t be alarmed I said
that’s a Destin Dermot
oh my god I’ve had sex in three months I
may take him oh wait that’s why you
don’t date brothers yeah see what
happens is this see what happens is see
the foot I don’t know if y’all saw Chris
light up that was that was the
preparation of it was thrilling it was
sensational I almost kind of felt like I
was gonna go to jail especially when my
finger got kind of long he’s really cute
though I don’t like guys stick their
finger in my butthole on the first
you’re like a bird like you just swooped
in this change our perception about
black people do you clutch your purse a
little tighter yeah right now okay
this is what suck it up yeah suck it
suck it no homo Paul get that shit hit
that shit

These extensions are Super Horny. Subscribe today! http://www.youtube.com/user/alldefdigital?sub_confirmation=1 Kate Quigley and Dana Moon get the opportunity to make out with a black guy “For the First Time”. This should be interesting so find out how it all goes down in this week’s episode of All Def Digital’s For the First Time. → CONNECT WITH THE CAST ← @danamoon @katequigley @teddyraycomedy @slinkjohnson → CONNECT WITH ADD ← https://twitter.com/AllDefDigital http://instagram.com/AllDefDigital http://bit.ly/ADDfacebook http://bit.ly/ADDgoogleplus [CREDITS] Starring: Dana Moon, Teddy Ray, Slink Johnson, Kate Quigley Producers: Sydney Kim, Desiree Alcaraz, Josh Gonzales Director of Photography: Sam Kim Sound Mixer: Sam May Edited by: Brandon Scharf VFX: Ryan Kehoe Post Supervisor: Rich Song