Rolling with sexy Asian boobs – Super Monkey Ball Vita gets sexy

SEGA hired the 26 year old Japanse model Yukie Kawamura to promote the adventure game Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz. Apparently Sega and Kawamura work very well together, because they decided to put her breasts inside the game.

We agree it’s a bit crazy but so is the commercial with a squealing 26 year old girl in bikini. The special Adult Level wil only be available in the first Japanse shipment of the game for Playstation Vita. European and American gamers will not get to roll over Kawamura’s boobs.

Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz will be available in the States and Europe this summer.

I be crazy about modules, because they are beautiful.

Rolling with sexy Asian boobs – Super Monkey Ball Vita gets sexy

Rolling with sexy Asian boobs - Super Monkey Ball Vita gets sexy